The audit and tax consulting firm believes that the level of preparedness for Ind AS adoption goes beyond financial reporting, requiring significant organisational changes.
"More than 50 per cent of the respondents are yet to plan or commence implementing changes at an organisational level.
"Also, 39 per cent of them are yet to start or plan for the impact assessment of Ind AS adoption," says a PwC quoting the findings from a February 2016 survey among 100 companies across industry sectors and size.
Known as Ind AS, new accounting and reporting standards that are in line with global practices, will kick in from April 1 in a phased manner.
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Nearly half (45 per cent) believe management approach for identification of segments will have a major impact on disclosures.
Sumit Seth, a partner at Price Waterhouse & Co, the accounting arm of PwC India, advices companies to follow a step-by-step approach to Ind AS.
"Since the impact of Ind AS adoption cascades beyond accounting resulting in several organisational changes impacting direct and indirect taxes, contractual arrangements with customers, suppliers, lenders, and incentive policies including timely communication with various stakeholders, companies will have to follow a step-by-step approach to ensure a smooth transition," he said.
As per the survey, 45 per cent believe that management approach for identification of segments will have a significant impact on the disclosures made by them.
While at present, under the Indian Gaap, segmental
information is based on the business and geographical reporting, under the Ind AS, segmental information has to be disclosed on the same basis as to how the chief operating decision-makers evaluate financial information for allocating resources and taking stock of performance.
Taxation is another area which is expected to have a major impact under the Ind AS, PwC said, adding that under this too, the financial services, retail and consumer and technology sectors will be the three most impacted sectors.
Unlike Indian Gaap accounting, income tax is another area there will be major impact as higher use of fair value accounting can potentially increase the minimum alternate tax liabilities for companies, as under Ind AS, unrealised gains on various financial instruments like investments and derivatives will get recognised in the income statement.
The survey also says the new accounting norms are will likely to have lead to a significant impact on reported revenue across sectors due to the emphasis on multiple element accounting resulting in deferral of some revenue.
Also incentives/consideration paid to customers will get deducted from revenue under Ind AS instead of recording the same as expense under the Indian Gaap.
Three-fourths of respondents also expect Ind AS may lead to additional non-Gaap measures.
Also, principles-based consolidation guidance may lead to consolidation of additional entities especially SPVs/ structured entities.