The Rajasthan government Friday said it paid Rs 1873.64 crore in 2018-19, including Rs 962.91 crore of agriculture grants, to drought-affected farmers in the state, which were pending for the last four years.
Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot directed officials of the state disaster management authority to clear all pending dues as early as possible, a government release said.
Gehlot, in a meeting Friday, also directed officials to take effective steps to deal with the drought situation in many districts of the state.
He said no negligence will be tolerated and asked officials to work with inter-departmental coordination to ensure water, fodder and health camps for livestock animals, the statement said.
The chief minister was apprised that 5,555 villages of nine districts have been declared severe and medium drought-affected pockets.
The officials informed that Rs 1.64 crore of immediate relief fund was given in the losses occurred due to dust storm on April 16. Out of the total, Rs 1.04 crore was given to the family members of 27 people who died during the incident, the statement said.