"The government has approved revival of 46 CPSEs (central public sector enterprises) envisaging a total assistance of Rs 40,885 crore (cash assistance of Rs 10,932 crore and non-cash assistance of Rs 29,953 crore)," Union Public Enterprises Minister Anant Geete said in a written reply to Lok Sabha.
As per the Public Enterprises Survey 2013-14, 71 CPSEs incurred loss during that fiscal.
Under the revival package, cash and non cash assistance worth Rs 7,332 crore has been approved for National Jute Manufacturers Corporation; HMT Ltd (Rs 1,083 crore); Cement Corporation of India (Rs 1,452 crore); Konkan Railway Corporation (Rs 4,079 crore); ITI (Rs 4,157 crore); Bharat Coking Coal (Rs 4,779 crore).