Led by Mayor of Aligarh Shakuntala Bharti, Bhartiya Janata Party workers held a demonstration and met the Additional District Magistrate demanding that Owaisi brothers should not be allowed to visit Aligarh this weekend.
The memorandum stated that the presence of the Owaisi brothers in UP would threaten preace "in view of the recent incidents involving hate speeches" by Akbaruddin.
Meanwhile, the Aligarh Muslim University Students Union today said that it has not invited Akbaruddin for a seminar tomorrow but his elder brother Asaduddin Owasi, who has "no charges" against him and alleged that some political outfits were trying to give communal colour to the issue.
"Some political outfits want to give it a communal colour by sreading rumours to this effect... This seminar has nothing to do with Akbaruuddin Owaisi," he said.
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Alam clarified that the father of Owaisi brothers, Salauddin Owaisi, had been member of the AMU court for a long time.
After spending 38 days in a prison, MIM legislator Akbaruddin Owaisi, who is facing charges of sedition and waging war against the nation for his "hate speech", was released on bail on February 16 in Andhra Pradesh.