In a series of tweets, the Hyderabad Lok Sabha MP questioned the NIA and also mounted a veiled attack on the Centre saying, "Do not be surprised the way NIA is pursuing those Bomb Blast cases where accused are Non-Muslims they will be exonerated bcos of Ache Din?".
"Why can't our Premier Investigation Agencies show same Urgency to convict all alleged terrorist cases, Demolition (of) Babri Masjid pending since 92," he asked.
"2013 Dilsukhnagar blast accused all get conviction Mecca Masjid blast, AJMER Dargha Blast, Malegaon blasts Will NIA get conviction these cases," Owaisi said in a tweet.
In further tweets, the AIMIM chief said, "Dilsukhnagar bomb blast accused can be convicted in 3 years why is it taking long to convict MMasjid, Ajmer, Malegaon Can NIA throw some light."
However, in another tweet, Owaisi said "Dilsukhnagar blast courts have given a verdict which must be accepted, terrorist should be punished."