"By making Indian cricket fans hosts to the visiting teams, we plan to reach every nook and corner of India, using interactions with the Proteas in person, and on television, through outdoor promotions, on social and digital media and through radio channels," Oxigen Wallet CEO Ankur Saxena said in a statement.
Oxigen Wallet is a non-bank mobile wallet, approved by RBI, which allows it's users to send and receive money through popular social channels like Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter, SMS and Email.
"This extensive four month campaign will communicate Oxigen Wallet's key value proposition which, #Platthehost, will be around safety, convenience and dependability. The marketing budget set for the entire campaign is approximately USD 15 million," Saxena said.
"The previous success of incorporation of global players in IPL teams, have made the South African cricketers a household name, amongst the cricket fans in India. Hence, sponsoring them was a natural choice," he said.