It said that he had insulted "the shahadat of thousands of innocent Pakistanis and soldiers of Pakistan's armed forces".
"Hassan has tried to invent a logic based on his political convenience. Strong condemnation of his views from an overwhelming majority leaves no doubt in any one's mind that all of us are very clear on what the state of Pakistan is and who are its enemies," the Pakistani military said in a statement.
Taking strong exception to Hassan's remarks, the Pakistani military said "sacrifices of our martyrs and their families need no endorsement from Syed Munawar Hassan and such misguided and self-serving statements deserve no comments".
It added, "However, coming from Ameer of the Jamat-e- Islami, a party founded by Maulana Maududi, who is respected and revered for his services to Islam is both painful and unfortunate".
"The people of Pakistan, whose loved ones laid down their life while fighting the terrorist, and families of shuhada of armed forces demand an unconditional apology from Syed Munawar Hassan for hurting their feelings.
"It is also expected that Jamat-e-Islami should clearly state its party position on the subject," the military statement said.