"The time has come to stop the influx of Saudi money into Pakistan," Federal Minister for Inter-provincial Coordination (IPC) Riaz Hussain Pirzada said addressing a seminar organised by Jinnah Institute think-tank here.
He alleged that Saudi Arabia was funding several organisations to promote its Wahabbi ideology, a form of Islam practised in Saudi Arabia that developed only in the 18th century.
The angry minister also criticised his own government for setting up military courts in the presence of an independent and vibrant judiciary.
"Such cowardly leadership has no right to stay in power," Pirzada said.
The remarks of Pirzada may land him in trouble as Saudi Arabia is considered very close to Pakistan and Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has personal ties with Saudi royal family.
The two-day conference would deliberate on the new ideas needed for a progressive and better Pakistan.