Mushtaq Qureishi, a neighbour, recalls that Hussain's family was engaged in shoe manufacturing.
His grandfather Ustad Zafar was a great swimmer, who had earned the moniker of 'ustad' for his prowess, Qureishi said.
Zafar and his family lived near the mosque on the main Ghatia Mamu-Bhanja road and he was well known here and surrounding towns, he said adding that one of Hussain's uncles lives in Shahidnagar locality here.
A leading businessman of Pakistan and a close associate of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, Hussain belongs to the Urdu-speaking ethnic group that migrated from India during partition in 1947.
He is expected to easily win the presidential poll scheduled for July 30 as the PML-N has a clear majority in the electoral college comprising members of parliament and the four provincial assemblies.