The 43-year-old actor won the Oscar for his portrayal of a drug dealer in coming-of-age drama "Moonlight", becoming the first Muslim actor ever to win the prestigious award.
Soon after her tweet, Lodhi came under fire for promoting an Ahmadi, who are considered non-Muslims in Pakistan. She later deleted her tweet as a response to the criticism.
Ali's birth name is Mahershalalhashbaz and he converted to Islam in 1999. In 2001, he joined the Ahmadiyya Community.
In 1984, they were banned from calling themselves Muslim. They are banned from preaching and even from travelling to Saudi Arabia for pilgrimage. Several Ahmadi mosques were shut down at the time in Pakistan. Their publications are prohibited.
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The minority Ahmadiyya Community members have also been taken to court on blasphemy charges.
Pakistan's only Nobel laureate scientist Dr Abdus Salam, a major figure in the 20th century theoretical physics, was also an Ahmadi.