"When Pakistan crossed the nuclear threshold, Rawalpindi (Pakistan military) had the choice of shutting down militant, anti-India groups because they were no longer needed to keep India at bay - or using its deterrent as a backdrop to step up a campaign to change thestatus quoin Kashmir," Michael Krepon, co-founder of the Stimson Center, a US think tank said.
"Rawalpindi chose poorly. Until Pakistan reverses this choice, it will continue to lose traction," Krepon said in an op-ed.
"Groups active in attacks across Kashmir divide and in Afghanistan have been outside the ambit of this campaign. Turning against these groups will mean more explosions, but not turning against these groups will also increase internal-security concerns, while compounding Pakistan's international woes," Krepon said.
"This choice is obviously a lose-lose proposition, but postponing this choice even longer won't make it any easier. Pakistan will lose more by pursuing the same policies and by relying on the same old talking points than by changing course," he warned.