Panda, who met Moily in Delhi and discussed the matter, pointed out that the project was likely to attract an investment of over Rs 2 lakh crore and generate employment (direct and indirect) locally for more than 50,000 people, a release from the MP's office here said.
Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) is the anchor tenant for the Paradip PCPIR.
As anchor tenant, IOCL had agreed to develop a poly-propylene unit, an ethylene derivative plant as well as a mixed feed cracker unit at Paradip.
Panda, who represents Kendrapara near Paradip in the Lok Sabha, urged the Union Minister to expedite the development of these plants, the release said.
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He also raised the issue of slow-down in implementation of the IOCL refinery due to shortage of workers after cyclone Phailin.
Moily took serious note of Panda's concern and has assured to take necessary steps to expedite the implementation/completion of the project. He has also assured Panda that the refinery will be commissioned by February-March 2014, it said.