In an investors' update, Pantaloons' parent company Aditya Birla Nuvo said: "Full year capex (capital expenditure) guidance (for Pantaloons) stands at Rs 150 crore towards addition of 18-20 new stores to reach 100 stores mark."
Pantaloons has already spent Rs 44 crore in the first half, it added.
The company, which reported turnover of Rs 940 crore in the first half ended September 30, 2014, said the investment will also be utilised in refurbishing 21 stores.
Out of the aggregate amount of Rs 500 crore, up to Rs 300 crore is proposed to be raised through rights issue, it added.
Its board had constituted a committee of directors to decide and approve the terms and conditions of the rights issue, including the rights entitlement ratio, issue price, record date, timing of the rights issue.
In 2012, Aditya Birla Nuvo Ltd had entered into an agreement with the Future Group to infuse Rs 1,600 crore into Pantaloons and acquire a majority stake in the store chain.