Standard approaches for diagnosing viral infections require technical expertise and expensive equipment, said researcher Kimberly Hamad-Schifferli.
"Typically people perform PCR and ELISA, which are highly accurate, but they need a controlled lab environment," she said.
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) are bioassays that detect pathogens directly or indirectly, respectively.
Colour-changing paper devices that work similarly to over-the-counter pregnancy tests offer a possible solution.
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Hamad-Schifferli and her team at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard Medical School and the US Food and Drug Administration build silver nanoparticles in a rainbow of colours.
The sizes of the nanoparticles determine their colours. Therefore, the team uses different sizes of these chemical ingredients for various hues.
The researchers attached red, green or orange nanoparticles to antibodies that specifically bind to proteins from the organisms that cause Ebola, dengue or yellow fever, respectively.
To test the device, the researchers spiked blood samples with the viral proteins and then dropped small volumes onto the end of the paper device.
If a sample contained dengue proteins, for example, then the dengue antibody, which was attached to a green nanoparticle, latched onto one of those proteins.
This complex then migrated through the paper, until reaching the dengue fever test line, where a second dengue-specific antibody captured it.
When the researchers tested samples with proteins from Ebola or yellow fever, the antibody complexes migrated to different places on the strip and turned red or orange.
"Using other laboratory tests, we know the typical concentrations of yellow fever or dengue virus in patient blood. We know that the paper-based test is sensitive enough to detect concentrations well below that range," said Hamad-Schifferli.
The team will present their research at the 250th National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society (ACS) in Boston.