The Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha could not function normally as they witnessed slogan-shouting by members. Due to the uproar, Lok Sabha was adjourned twice and Rajya Sabha thrice before final adjournment. Both the Houses could not transact any substantial business.
Trouble started as soon as both the Houses assembled for the day with members of BJP, Telugu Desam Party, Left and BSP creating ruckus over various issues.
Pandemonium was witnessed in the Rajya Sabha as the JPC report was tabled by Congress member Ananda Bhaskar Rapolu.
While members of BJP, Left and TMC opposed the tabling of the controversial report, Deputy Chairman P J Kurien ruled that the 'Terms of Reference' contained in the motion of the JPC had no provision which permits a discussion on its report adopted duly by the committee.
Quoting a rule from Article 105 of the Constitution, he said he had the right to administer a note of dissent as a member of the panel.
"I had given a strong dissent note...The guilty have been left...The report should not be tabled," Prasad said.