Headed by Trinamool Congress MP Kanwar Deep Singh, the Parliamentary Standing Committee noted that ASI, which manages 3,686 monuments and sites, employs a large number of people, paying them "meagre wages" and "without any social security or health coverage".
The committee said that it is "total injustice and violation" of all norms and practices laid down by various legislations.
"The committee is disheartened to note that this anti-labour practice is being perpetuated by ASI, one of the premier government institutions of the country," the panel said in its report, tabled in Parliament today.
It observed that these employees are being paid "meagre wages" and without any social security or heath coverage.
The panel also recommended that the ASI and Ministry of Culture should take all possible steps to ensure that its contractual employees are paid decent wages along with adequate social security schemes and health coverage, until they are given permanent status.