Researchers at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) found that parents who have a child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are about one third less likely to have more children than families without an affected child.
The findings, which appear in the journal JAMA Psychiatry, stem from the largest study of its kind on further child bearing after a kid has been diagnosed with the disorder.
Most previous research into the heredity of autism has ignored a possible decision on the part of parents with affected children to reduce their subsequent child-bearing, a situation that occurs with some birth defects and has been termed 'reproductive stoppage'.
As a result, previous estimates of the odds of having a second child with the disorder may have made the risk appear lower than it actually is, researchers said.
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Overall, families whose first child had ASD were one-third less likely to have a second child than control families.
Families in which a later-born child was the first to be affected by ASD were equally less likely to have more children.
Researchers said that subsequent childbearing appeared to be normal until the time an affected child would typically start to show symptoms or be diagnosed, indicating that the stoppage was likely the result of a parental choice or circumstance, rather than a reproductive problem.
Ignoring stoppage, the so-called recurrence risk (likelihood of another affected child) is 8.7 per cent for full siblings and 3.2 per cent for half-siblings from the same mother.
Taking stoppage into account, the recurrence risk becomes 10.1 per cent for full siblings and 4.8 per cent for maternal half-siblings, researchers found.