In Rajya Sabha, Chairman Hamid Ansari said the human tragedy shivers us even to this day when we are reminded of people who were rendered incapacitated and children who were born with various deformities after the tragedy.
"It is incumbent on us to do our utmost to support the surviving victims in every manner possible," Ansari said.
In Lok Sabha, Speaker Sumitra Mahajan said the "House expresses its support and commitment to the people affected by the gas leak."
Both the House also condoled the demise of former Maharashtra Chief Minister A R Antulay who was member of both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. He died in Mumbai yesterday at the age of 85.
Members in Lok Sabha expressed sorrow over the demise of two of its former members Jarbom Gamlin and Anand Pathak. Gamlin died at a Gurgaon hospital on November 30 at the age of 53, while Pathak (84) passed away in Siliguri on November 28.