Goa BJP chief Vinay Tendulkar said Saturday that even if late Manohar Parrikar had promised a full tenure to ministers of the ally Goa Forward Party (GFP), he is no more.
He was responding to a claim by GFP chief Vijai Sardesai that his party supported the BJP after 2017 elections because Parrikar, who became chief minister, promised full five-year tenure to GFP ministers.
Chief Minister Pramod Sawant Friday dropped all three GFP ministers alongwith independent Rohan Khaunte from his cabinet after ten Congress MLAs joined the BJP.
Asked about Sardesai's claim, Tendulkar said, "Parrikar had promised, but unfortunately, he is not amongst us. After him, Pramod Sawant was made chief minister and he has taken the decision (to drop GFP ministers) as per the directions of the Central leadership."