Retired naval officer Ravi Kant Soni tweeted to Modi and Parrikar earlier in the day, saying he had requested the Ministry of Defence for air evacuation of his daughter who is on ventilation at a hospital in Bhilai with insufficient medical facilities.
Soni, who served in the navy for 20 years, said she needs to be moved to R&R Hospital, Delhi as soon as possible.
"We're losing valuable time. It is not possible for civil air ambulance to operate in weather conditions prevailing at Raipur and Delhi with such a critical patient. Also, civil air ambulances are not allowed to operate/land at Delhi airport post 1800hours. Sirs you can still help.
"Your much needed help will go a long way in reinforcing the faith of lakhs of serving as well as retired defence personnel that they place in the Indian Armed Forces," he said in a series of tweets.
He also spoke to Soni's son and assured them of all help.
Soni tweeted back four hours later, saying, "Extremely grateful to the hon'ble Defence Minister @manoharparrikar and the entire IAF team which has always been supportive in getting us out of this emergency. This monumental support can never be forgotten. Proud to be a part of the Indian Armed Forces.