Meanwhile, Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar said he will break his silence over Velingkar if the issue continues in the run-up to polls.
Parrikar and Parsekar took on Velingkar, speaking at a party event here.
"We had maintained silence over the statements made against BJP on the issue of Medium of Instruction (MoI). Some leaders (of Velingkar's Bharatiya Bhasha Suraksha Manch) are talking about eliminating BJP in the upcoming Goa polls.
"Our workers should be vocal... Language of eliminating BJP would not be tolerated," the CM said.
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BBSM has announced that it would launch a political party on October 2 and contest next year's Goa Assembly polls to "finish the BJP", as the party broke its promise on MoI issue.
Parrikar said RSS had taught him to be disciplined.
"Sangh has taught me to be disciplined. Even if the other person acts in indisciplined manner, I will not violate my discipline. I observed patience for the last six months," the former Goa CM said, adding he would break his silence if the issue continues to simmer during the run-up to polls.