R D Thakur, who frequents Delhi from his hometown Sitamarhi in Bihar, says there are no direct trains from there. "I have to travel a long distance by bus to some other station each time when I have to visit Delhi for my work. I hope a train is introduced from there as well," Thakur said.
Commenting on the government's announcement to lay stress on cleanliness in the trains as well as platforms, Thakur hoped that this time the promises are met.
Minjo Lama from Assam also complained regarding less number of trains available on Delhi-Assam route. Lama was of the view that there was no problem in fare hike if the delivery of services meets expectations.
Under development of stations was another area of concern among passengers.
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Veena Gupta, a senior citizen, mentioned the problems she faced while reaching the platform in New Delhi railway station.
The Railway Ministry in its Budget today announced 400 lifts and 179 escalators in Category one stations.
Referring the government's decision to hike the Tatkal charges by Rs 15 on sleeper-class to Rs 100 on executive-class, Gupta said the low income group should have been spared from this hike.
Others passengers were satisfied with the announcement of the new e-ticketing system and most of them said that the present IRCTC website be made more user friendly.
Regarding security issues, H K Maheshwari, who has travelled in both sleeper and AC coaches, said no guards are deployed in the sleeper class whereas he could find them in the AC coaches.