With the fresh footage coming to the fore, Senior Superintendent of Police Sweety Aggarwal constituted an 11-member Special Investigating Team led by Roorkee Circle Officer Kuldip Singh Aswal to look into the case.
Transporters who work for Patanjali claimed that Daljit who fell to a bullet in the clash, chief of Pathri's local truck union Dharmendra Chauhan and their supporters were the first who attacked transporters working for Patanjali.
Forwarding the same material to Governor K K Paul they have also demanded security for themselves from a central agency expressing no confidence in local police.
Transporters engaged by the park and Pathri's local truck union had long been locked in dispute and the May 27 clash was the climax of months of tension between the two groups.
The main grouse of local truck operators was that they were not being engaged by the firm for transporting its products and trucks from outside Haridwar were being engaged for the purpose.