Former Union Minister Patel, who is also the Vice President of the Asian Football Confederation, and Vaz were re-elected unopposed, a media release from WIFA, the governing body of football in Maharashtra, said today.
Elections for the other posts in the WIFA Executive Committee will be held during the 66th Annual General Meeting of the Association to be held at the Cooperage ground here on July 25.
A total of eight candidates will be contesting for the five Vice-Presidents' posts, two candidates are fighting for the lone Treasurer's seat while five members are in the fray for the three Assistant Secretaries' posts.
Incumbent Secretary, Vaz, was pleased to be re-elected.
"I am happy that the members have given me another chance to serve the Association. I will continue to devote sufficient time towards the progress of the Association and will work diligently to ensure that WIFA (Maharashtra) becomes the top-most footballing state in the country," stated Vaz, who is also the current Vice-President and former Secretary of the MDFA (Mumbai District Football Association).