"155 gifts received by the former President, Pratibha Devisingh Patil in her official capacity were loaned to Vidya Bharati Shaikshanik Mandai, Amravati for display on a purely temporary basis," Rashtrapati Bhavan has said in an RTI reply.
In response to activist Subhash Agrawal, it said all the gift items which include candle set received from UK Prime Minister, a gold medallion and a silver medallion of Nelson Mandela, a gift box from China among others have been returned to Rashtrapati Bhavan on May 22.
It said the gifts were loaned to Vidya Bharati Shaikshanik Mandai, Amravati according to an MoU signed between Rashtrapati Bhavan and the institute.
The reply also said 36 artifacts were handed over to DRDO during the presidency of A P J Abdul Kalam for being displayed in the Brahmos Centre in New Delhi.
"All 36 items have been received back at Rashtrapati Bhavan on October 3, 2012," it said.