"The Chief Minister has ordered for making immediate online payments to farmers for paddy procured from them and in the event of snags in the online system, payments should be immediately done through cheques," Food Supplies and Consumer Welfare Minister Sanjay Dasburma told reporters after the Chief Minister held a high-level meeting on the matter.
Dasburma said the Chief Minister has also ordered for action and surprise visit to paddy procurement centres by the officers.
The high-level meeting is significant in the face of reports of paddy procurement being stalled in Bargarh district due to an online flaw.
Paddy procurement in 118 market yards of the Regulated Market Committees (RMC) of Bargarh, Atabira and Padampur in the district was stalled due to online flaws, resulting in lakhs of paddy bags lying under the open sky in the market yards of the district for 10-15 days.
Also, there were reports of farmers facing difficulties due to a standoff between groups and the state government over procurement quantities fixed by the government from irrigated and non-irrigated lands in the southern districts of Koraput and Nabarangpur.