"The Vice Chancellor, University of Delhi, has approved the recommendation of the undersigned for revocation of your suspension. You are requested to resume the duties as Principal of Bhim Rao Ambedkar College in place of acting Principal Dr R B Solanki with immediate effect," the letter from the Governing Body Chairman Ashok K Prasad sent to Arora on July 24 said.
Following the communication from Prasad, Arora today reached the college to resume his duties but had to face protests by scores of teachers against the revocation of his suspension citing the Chairman's letter to be "procedural violation".
"The VC has no right to approve the so-called recommendation of the GB Chairman without ascertaining this as per a resolution of the GB in a properly-convened meeting. The VC has no right to intervene directly in the college," she said.
Pavitra Bhardwaj, 40, was a former Ambedkar College lab attendant. On September 30, she had set herself ablaze outside the Delhi Chief Minister's office and succumbed later.
Arora was suspended on October 11 by the DU administration till the completion of a probe in the case by a committee headed by retired Additional District Judge B L Garg. The committe had given a clean chit to Arora in its probe report in April this year.