This decision was taken during a meeting held under the chairmanship of Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal. These posts of cadres of Group A, B, C and D in departments of Home Affairs and Justice, Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Backward Classes, Irrigation, Cooperation, Planning and Technical Education and Industrial training - would be filled soon, a spokesperson said today.
The Cabinet also gave clearance for creation of eight additional posts of Under Secretaries and one post of Superintendent in Punjab Civil Secretariat.
Similarly, it also gave a go ahead to fill 248 posts of Medical Officers (MBBS) out of 316 vacant posts of Medical Officers (Specialists) through Baba Farid Health Sciences University, Faridkot after conducting written test and without any interview by taking these posts out of purview of PPSC.
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The Cabinet also decided to recast combined seniority of Assistant Sub Inspectors, Sub Inspectors and Inspectors of district police and PAP. To avoid reversions and protection of pay of employees of Armed Battalions, this decision would result in creation of 64 ex-Cadre posts for the General Duty (Armed Battalions) officials/officers till their promotions.
The Cabinet also decided to increase the quota of government houses for accredited press correspondents from 10 houses to 15.
The Cabinet also gave go ahead to formulate a new policy
for regularisation of plots/buildings located in the unauthorised colonies in the state by promulgation of The Punjab Laws (Special Provisions) Ordinance, 2016.
The Cabinet also approved the creation of corpus of Rs 10 crore for the upkeep and maintenance besides to meet day to day administrative expenses of the upcoming Punjab State War Heroes Memorial and Museum in Amritsar.
The Cabinet also gave nod to treat any of these documents i.E., voter card, electoral roll, ration card/Aadhar card, matriculation certificate and birth certificate issued by the Registrar of Births & Deaths as an evidence for the purpose of verification of age of the applicant.
In order to extend better police services to the people residing in the rural areas, the Cabinet cleared the proposal of Home department to recruit 4,000 constables and 750 constable drivers under Rapid Rural Police Response Scheme (RRPRS).
To further strengthen the Intelligence Wing of the state police, the Cabinet gave approval to create 781 new posts including 11 DSPs, 24 Inspectors, 66 SIs, 64 ASIs, 116 Head Constables and 500 Constables.
The Cabinet also gave approval to amend the Marriage Palace policy so as to remove the hardships faced by the owners besides ensuring facilities of adequate security and parking lot for the general public converging there on the social functions.
It also agreed to go ahead with the proposed conversion policy for industrial plots laying within the Industrial Focal Points/Industrial Estates/Industrial Parks to non-industrial purposes.