"Rs 3,500 given by the Centre per acre to the farmers for compensating their loss due to the natural disaster is minuscule in wake of the exorbitant hike in the prices of agriculture inputs borne by them to raise the crop," Badal said.
The Union government must adopt liberal approach for compensating the flood victims in this hour of crisis, Badal said, adding, he will once again take up the matter of hiking the compensation with the Union government.
Badal said he had time and again raised the issue of enhancing the relief amount with the previous Union government but as the "Congress leaders were unaware about the ground situation so they hardly paid any heed towards this genuine demand."
However, Badal said that with the change of guard at the Centre the hope for adequate compensation for the victims of the tragedy has been renewed and hopefully the NDA government will look into this matter sympathetically.
The Chief Minister said the state government was aware about the hardships of the flood victims and they want to extend a helping hand to them by giving adequate financial assistance as compensation.