PCB Chairman Shaharyar Khan had said recently that there had been a marked improvement reported in Ajmal's bowling action. He had said that according to former spinner Saqlain Mushtaq, Ajmal was now bowling within the permitted limit of 15 degrees and was ready for a informal test on his action.
But, apparently things have not gone as smoothly as expected and Ajmal was last week stopped from playing in a domestic match for his department.
"The PCB has decided to extend Saeed Ajmal's remedial work by another 15 days," the PCB said in a statement.
"After further remedial work in the next fortnight, Ajmal shall be sent over to an ICC approved high quality lab in England for testing to ascertain the exact degree of improvement in his bowling action," it said.
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Ajmal, 36, has been Pakistan's leading wicket-taker in all three formats for the last three years but under the new ICC protocol for bowling actions, he was first reported by match officials during the first Test against Sri Lanka at Galle in August.
Mushtaq has been working on Ajmal's bowling action for the last one month at the National Cricket Academy in Lahore.
PCB chief Khan had told a press conference recently that the Board was keen to put Ajmal through a proper process so that he is available for selection before next years' World Cup in Australia and New Zealand.
Countries participating in the World Cup have to send a preliminary squad of 30 players to the ICC in November and then final 15 member squad in early January.