According to the PwC MoneyTree India report, a quarterly study of private equity investment activity based on data provided by Venture Intelligence, the third quarter has seen investments doubling compared to the same period last year when USD 2.9 billion worth of transactions were announced.
"The government's commitment to growth and actions on reforms is expected to keep the India story positive. The central bank's decision to revise the interest rate downward will only provide a better platform for industries," PwC India leader, Private Equity, Sanjeev Krishan said.
On a quarter on quarter basis, there was a 36 per cent rise as April-June quarter of 2015 saw investments of USD 4.5 billion.
Sector-wise, the information technology (IT) and IT-enabled services (ITeS) sector attracted bigger deals, comprising 58 per cent of the total deal value at USD 3.6 billion from 112 deals.
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"The technology sector has once again emerged as the leader in terms of value and volume of investments, with e-commerce leading the pack," PwC India leader - Technology Sandeep Ladda said.
Meanwhile, the energy sector, attracted USD 549 million in seven deals, while a single deal in telecom brought the sector to the limelight with a USD 500-million investment.
In terms of cities, Bangalore beat out Mumbai by a narrow margin in terms of geography, with investments worth USD 1.8 billion. Mumbai, in comparison, attracted USD 1.7 billion, the report said.