Starring Soumitra Chatterjee in the lead role, "Peace Haven" tells the story of three friends, all in their 70s, who discover the meaning of life while trying to set up a mortuary for themselves.
"The characters of 'Peace Haven' talk about death but it is not a dark film. Rather they are not shying away from the inevitable. They realise life by facing death," Suman told PTI in an interview here.
World premiered in Busan Film Festival, "Peace Haven" tackles a serious subject in a funny way.
The idea came to Suman's mind when his father had initiated a move to set up a mortuary with his contemporaries. He also recalls an incident when he called up his elderly uncle who was ailing.
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"The philosophy of our senior citizens to accept the inevitable gracefully and not being cowed down by premonition is the reference point of my film."
On Soumitra Chatterjee, the 'Kadambari' director says he is amazed to see how enthusiastically he performs even at the age of 81.
Asked for his take on the film, Soumitra said, "I have
done over 300 films in the last several decades. But at this stage one thing I can say, I found Suman's subject intriguing."
"Peace Haven" also stars veterans Paran Bandyopadhyay and Ashok Mukhopadhyay.
According to the filmmaker "Peace Haven" belongs to the same genre as "Shyamal Uncle Turns Off the Lights".
"Shyamal Uncle..." is based on a true story involving an eighty-year-old man, who wades through an apathetic system with a seemingly trivial goal - turning off the street lights near his home which are left switched on even during the day.