Haryana Justice and Empowerment Minister Kavita Jain said a pensioner will not be required to open a new bank account if he already has one under the 'Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana' or in some other local bank in the village.
Pension would be directly credited to the bank account, she said.
Jain said that pensioners will have to visit the bank along with passbook or some other proof of account and get their pension ID, name and account number uploaded on the database of the department so that pension could be directly deposited in their bank accounts.
The IDs of pensioners have also been sent to the municipal corporations, municipalities and sarpanches, she said.
Any pensioner who does not have any bank account in any of the local banks or under the 'Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana' should get an account opened at the earliest in the nearest bank and ask the bank manager to link it with the scheme so that the pension could be deposited in his account, she said.