The Haryana Social Justice and Empowerment department has directed officials to update and correct data of 18,846 beneficiaries under various social security schemes in Bhiwani and Chakri Dadri districts, Deputy Commissioner Anshaj Singh said.
The officer said Aadhaar numbers submitted by 5,935 beneficiaries were found to be incorrect; 4,324 people had not linked it with the schemes and 2,288 had provided numbers of cards issued in a different region.
The authorities confirmed that pensions would be released after corrections are made.
"The data will be rectified by September 31 and beneficiaries can submit details in this regard till October 31," he said.
Pensions for 41,000 beneficiaries were also stopped in Jind, reports said.
Social welfare officer Saroj said that people have been asked to submit their Aadhaar details at offices at the village and block level.