When asked about the criticism superstars Shah Rukh Khan and Aamir Khan have received for expressing their views on 'intolerance' recently, Priyanka said, "It is not just about this. I think everyone has an opinion about it. We are supposed to be the greatest democracy in the world."
"There have been many incidents that have happened in the last few years where people have been bashed for giving their opinions. Everybody has an opinion. We are in a democracy. Our forefathers fought for freedom of speech and being Indian," the actress said in an interview here.
Earlier this month, on his 50th birthday, Shah Rukh had said that there was "extreme intolerance" in the country.
Priyanka was here for a day to promote her upcoming film "Bajirao Mastani", that also stars Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone in the lead roles.
The 33-year-old actress, who plays the role of Kashibai in the film, will fly back to US for her American show "Quantico".