The 39-year-old actor said the city is not that appalling if one tries to make the right decisions, reported Contactmusic.
"I grew up in Los Angeles, I was born in Hollywood, so I've seen firsthand the destructive nature of that town and how people are intoxicated by their own self-importance and surrounded by temptation on a daily basis," DiCaprio said.
"I wouldn't say it was a dangerous place but there's all sorts of choices in life and I've always tried to focus on one thing. No matter how much talent you have you have to be in the right place in the right time," he added.
"Anyone is a liar if they say they don't want a reward or good reviews for their performance," he said.
"But I've come to realise you have absolutely no control over what people think of your film, and they can tell you something to your face and then you realise they must have voted differently," he added.