Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath today said people need to decide whether they want to follow the path shown by Maharaja Suheldev, a 11th-century Bhar-Pasi king, or "Muhammad bin Tughluq and Mahmud of Ghazni".
"We should not get swayed by those who consider Muhammad bin Tughluq and Muhammad Ghori their idols. We need to decide whether the country should follow the path shown by Maharaja Suheldev or Muhammad bin Tughluq and Mahmud Ghaznavi," he said at an event here.
Adityanath said he had always maintained that a "majestic statute" of Maharaja Suheldev should be built at Chitaura in Bahraich so that people can draw inspiration from it.
In February, BJP chief Amit Shah had unveiled a statue of Maharaja Suheldev in Bahraich.
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