The 45-year-old nurse has turned her two-story, eight-room apartment into a hospice for cats with feline leukemia, scattering it with scores of feeding dishes and at least two dozen boxes litter boxes.
Some have suggested she shelter healthy cats instead. "That's not my role," she told The Associated Press. "I'm a nurse. My duty is to the cats that nobody cares about." She said that "people don't adopt adult cats, especially if they are terminally ill."
She finds the cats in Lima's streets and markets and has them tested for leukemia. Nearly all of the street cats turn out to have the disease, as well as fleas, parasites and malnutrition. She takes in only adult cats to avoid spreading the disease to new generations.
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Torero names the cats Fellini, Peppa, Dolly, Misterio among them and dresses many in small shirts. "Each one has a distinct personality," she said.
She said she doses out medicine, sterilizes the animals and treats them for parasites every two months. Her arms bear the scratches of cats that resist the injections. She estimated she spends about $1,785 a month to care for the cats, half of that from donations and the other half from her job as a private nurse.
Her three children, ages 16, 14, and 6, share the apartment and often play or cuddle with the cats, many of which sleep in plastic organizer bins and sprawl across seemingly every chair and shelf.