Senior police inspector A D Kshirsagar of the Wagle Estate police station told PTI that the accused contractor Akshay D Kolhe, who is a resident of Samata Nagar, had lodged a false complaint with the police that some unidentified people had opened fire at him on the road at about 6.30 pm with an intention to kill him.
In the alleged firing, his friend Pritam who was with him was injured and an offence under Section 307 read with Section 34 of the Indian Penal Code as well as the Arms Act was registered, the police official said.
In order to conceal the fact that he owned an illegal and unlicensed firearm as well as avoid police action against him, Kolhe had cooked up the story of a "shootout", the police official said.
The police official said that Kolhe had lodge a false police complaint to save his skin.
He has been booked under Section 338, Section 102, Section 182 and Section 3 of the Indian Penal Code along with the Arms Act of 1958, the police official said, adding that no arrests have been made so far.