Menthol bold crystal, menthol flake and mentha oil prices were up by Rs 5 each to conclude at Rs 1,100, Rs 1,090 and Rs 1,120 per kg, respectively.
Traders said buying support from pharmaceutical and other consuming industries, mainly pushed up menthol prices at the wholesale chemical market here.
Caustic soda flake (50 kg) Rs 1,850-1,950, Citric acid (50 kg) (China) Rs 3,500-3,700, Citric acid deshi (50 kg) Rs 3,800-4,000, Camphor slab (1 kg) Rs 355, Camphor powder (1kg) Rs 320, Glycerin (1 kg) Rs 140-160, Hexamine (1kg) Rs 95, Hydrogen peroxide (1 kg) Rs 36-50, menthol bold crystal (per kg) Rs 1,100, menthol flake (1 kg) Rs 1,090 and mentha oil (1kg) Rs 1,120.