The PIL, filed by Jammu and Kashmir National Panthers Party chief and senior advocate Bhim Singh, has also sought a direction to the Centre that the floods in the state be declared as "natural calamity and national disaster" keeping in view the enormous devastation.
The plea, which could be heard during the week, has also sought a direction to the Centre "to depute the National Disaster Committee to monitor the distribution of essential goods as well as other relief to the flood affected people at district level".
"All the prisoners whose families have been affected by floods should be released on parole so that they are able to assist their families in their rehabilitation," it said.
The plea has said the lives and liberty of nearly one crore residents is under "threat of liquidation".
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"... It is only intervention of the Union of India which can save million of people from death and destruction... Because the State machinery has failed to meet the challenge to the havoc caused by the unprecedented floods in Jammu and Kashmir," the PIL said.
It also said that the Centre should involve the disaster management forces like National Disaster Response Force for complete rehabilitation of the flood victims.
"... All students studying at different levels in Kashmir Valley and in Jammu should be provided with sufficient financial aid to resume their studies...," it said.