Assam Chief Minister SarbanandaSonowal on Thursday said his government will provide piped water connections to all households in the state by 2024 under the Centre's flagship scheme 'Jal Jeevan Mission'.Piped water will be supplied to 20 lakh households, covering one crore people, in 9,000 villages of Assam in the first phase of the scheme which will be rolled out in the state in March, he said.Sonowal directed the Public Health Engineering Department to adhere to the exhaustive roadmap for implementing the scheme.He also directed the Public Health Engineering Department to make plans for sustainable use of surface and underground water and rejuvenate water sources.The chief minister called for better coordination between various departments during the implementation of the scheme.He asked Additional Chief Secretary, Water Resources and Public Health Engineering department, Syedian Abbasi to take help from panchayat bodies for taking the scheme to the grassroots.