"It would be difficult to achieve the 8 per cent average economic growth in the 12th Plan period in view of slowdown. It is quite possible that Commission will cut the target substantially to around 6 per cent," an official said.
As per the practice, the Commission comes out with a mid-term review of Plans during the third financial year of the policy period.
Reeling under the impact of slowdown, Indian economy grew by 5 per cent in 2012-13, the first year of the 12th Plan. The economic growth is expected to be flat this year. The first quarter (April-June) economic growth in this fiscal has slipped to 4.4 per cent from 4.8 per cent the previous January-March quarter.
The Plan itself talks about the different growth scenarios. The document said that in absence of sufficient action to promote economy, the average growth would range from 6 top 6.5 per cent.