The company, which has cargo terminals in Delhi and Bangalore, at present operates five cargo flights per day with each one carrying about 100 tonnes of freight, Sandeep Juneja, Vice President, Commercial, DHL Express India, told reporters here.
With access to 19 dedicated DHL network flights and 100 commercial flights per week now, wanted to set up more terminals and were in negotiations in Mumbai and Kolkatta.
Gujarat, which was witnessing 25 per cent of total exports of the country, would also be the next location for the company, he said.
The company is planning to open facilities in five to six new locations within the next nine months, Juneja said, adding, the company has 32 facilities in 22 cities, would also open facilities in Mysore and Moradabad in one month.
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An additional facility would also come up in Bangalore. DHL, which started direct facilities in Faridabad, Ludhiana and Kanpur in the current year and had opened new facilities in Sriperumbudur and Chandigarh.
"If GST (Goods and Services Tax) is in place, logistics costs would come down in India," Juneja said.