The Indian players wore wearing black armbands as a mark of respect. The most moving sight was that of Martin's elder brother and former New Zealand Test player Jeff Crowe, who decided to continue as the ICC match referee for the tournament before leaving for home.
A lot of Indian players were seen offering their condolences to Jeff and personally went to have a chat with him.
Diagnosed in September 2014 with terminal double-hit lymphoma, a rare form of blood cancer, he passed away in Auckland surrounded by family.
Crowe enjoyed a 13-year international career from 1982-95, including four years as captain.
He had a Test average of 45.36 in 77 matches and held a slew of New Zealand batting records when he retired, including most Test runs (5,444), highest Test score (299), most 50s (35) and most hundreds (17) -- the last of which still stands.