Modi, accompanied by Gujarat Chief Minister Anandiben Patel and other state ministers, took a round of the museum and saw each and every aspect of Gandhi's life portrayed in the form of sculptures in the 'salt-mound' at Mahatma Mandir.
"The Prime Minister is viewing the exhibits at Dandi Kutir in Gandhinagar," said a message on PMO India's twitter account.
Modi also saw a 3D short film on the life events of Gandhi and later penned his thoughts in the visitor-book here.
"Dandi Kutir. It's a pleasant feeling when the dream of creating a source of inspiration from Gandhi's life to the young-generation through modern science and technology is coming true. It would be satisfactory doing work of human welfare if the life of pujya (respected) Bapu will inspire the future generation," added Modi.
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'Dandi Kutir' is located inside a 41-metre high salt-mound as a symbol of Gandhi's famous Dandi march against the salt tax provisions imposed by the British regime in March 1930.
State Chief Minister Anandiben Patel said that this is the biggest permanent museum in the world based on life of one person (Mahatma Gandhi).
The 13th edition of Pravasi Bhartiya Divas (PBD) is marking the 100th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi's return to India from South Africa.