Modi, wearing a traditional Naga headgear, opened the Hornbill Festival by beating the traditional Naga gong three times at the picturesque Naga Heritage Village, Kisama, some 12 km south of the state capital.
Coined as the "Festival of Festivals", Hornbill (name of a revered bird by the Nagas), is an opportunity to enjoy the Naga life and culture in their entirety and also the different Naga cuisine under a single roof for 10-days.
Chief Angh ('king') of Mon village, Wangyeih Konyak invoked the traditional blessing followed by colourful presentation by various artists.
A sizable number of tourists from abroad and other parts of the country are here to witness the festival termed as the "Window to Nagaland".
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The attraction of the day was the 'Naga King Chilli' eating competition.
Revellers can also enjoy Kohima Night Carnival and various competitions, besides the cultural performance of the Naga tribes throughout the remaining nine-days.