Congress spokesperson Anand Sharma also attacked the Prime Minister's engagement with Pakistan as "frivolous, unpredictable and full of abrupt U-turns" and asked what assurances he got on bringing back or punishing perpetrators of 26/11 Mumbai attacks, especially Zakiu Rehman Lakhvi, and on dismantling terror syndicates in Pakistan acting against India."
Questioning the intent behind his visit, Congress rejected claims of External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj that the Prime Minister's move was 'statesman-like' and said it was "pre-arranged" by a businessman.
"Diplomacy is serious, it must have gravitas and predictability. It cannot be frivolous, otherwise it will implode on Shri Narendra Modi's face," he told reporters.
Rejecting Swaraj's claim that the visit was spontaneous, Sharma said "the External Affairs Minister claims, very foolishly so, that it's statesman-like. We completely reject her claim. We have definitive information that this was pre-arranged."
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He said the Prime Minister has not gone there to take forward the roadmap to engage with Pakistan or build an understanding that would eliminate immediate threats of terror or punishing those behind the Mumbai 26/11 attacks.
The Congress leader questioned how many Prime Ministers or heads of states make such detours to wish birthdays, asking if any Indian Prime Minister has landed in another country in this manner in the last 67 years.
Sharma alleged it is now in public domain that Modi used "vested private business interest" for a secret meeting with Nawaz Sharif in Kathmandu, which he alleged was organised at the behest of a businessman, claiming that he has now used the same channel for fixing this meeting in Lahore.
"How come the govt can say this is spontaneous & a continuation?...The Prime Minister of India carries the flag of the country and therefore there has to be seriousness in his actions. He is not travelling for tourism purposes," he said.
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"It is a ridiculous position that the External Affairs Minister is claiming what is spontaneous and others are saying it is pre-discussed. It is unprecedented." Sharma said.
The senior Congress leader also questioned Swaraj's claims made in August that only terrorism and no comprehensive dialogue will be discussed with Pakistan and that there was no question of talks in a third country.
"What happened on December 7 in Bangkok, after the meeting in Paris? What was discussed was never disclosed to the country or the Parliament. Is Bangkok, Thailand not third country?" he asked.
Questioning the government for restarting the dialogue after abruptly calling off Foreign Secretary-level talks with Pakistan after an invite was sent to Hurriyat Conferene last year, Sharma accused Modi of keeping the country in the dark on his engagements with Pakistan.
Sharma asked the Prime Minister what assurances he has received from Pakistan during his visit and whether the establishment there has unequivocally endorsed India's position of dismantling terror infrastructure there and in punishing and trial of perpetrators of Mumbai attacks, especially of Lakhvi.