Chhattisgarh Chief MinisterBhupesh Baghel said that the Rs 20 lakh crore economic package announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday evening should have come earlier.In a televised address to the nation, Modi announced a massive package to revive the coroanvirus-hit economy."Earlier Congress chief Sonia Gandhi in a letter to the PM had sought special package particularly for MSMEs sector," Baghel said here."The Chhattisgarh government had also requested the PM to allocate financial assistance of Rs 30,000 crore so that the economy can be put on track during this crisis. The package should have been declared earlier. It has been delayed," he said.It was not yet clear what this package has for farmers, labourers, MSMEs and cottage industries and it will be known after the Union finance minister provides details on Wednesday, the chief minister added.Baghel reiterated his demand that the Centre allow state governments to demarcate on their own the red, green and orange zones denoting coronavirus situation in the fourth phase of lockdown.State BJP legislative party leader Dharamlal Kaushik said the package announced by Modi will prove to be a milestone and give a boost to the development of the country."The entire country is standing by the PM in his every decision. The extension of the lockdown will be done based on the suggestions made by the state governments and we all should comply with whatever decision comes in order to fight COVID-19 and achieve victory over it," he said.