"Works for the units, each of which is being set up at a cost of Rs 18.18 crore, is going in full swing. These will become operational in another one month and will be dedicated to the nation by Prime Minister Narendra Modi," he said.
He was addressing the 'Make in India-Textile Industry- Strategy for Growth' function, organised by Indian Texpreneurs Federation ((ITF) tonight, to facilitate him for implementing various textile sector friendly measures.
On demands by the industry on rationalisation of duty on Man Made Fibre, abolition of Hank yarn Obligation and signing of Free Trade Agreements with European Union and emerging markets, he said his ministry had already taken up the issue with the Commerce and Finance Ministries.
On problems due to effluent discharge and achieving Zero Liquid Discharge, Gangwar said he would consult environment and pollution ministries and give feed back o the industry.
The Indian textiles sector has contributed 60 per cent of cotton products and 40 per cent of man-made fibre products, while it was the reverse in other countries, he said.
Gangwar inaugurated a workers hostel in the park and an additional hostel block with 66 rooms, constructed at a cost of Rs six crore, with 50 per cent subsidy under Scheme for Textile Industry Workers Accommodation.